Before I arrived in the Delta, there was a restaurant in Indianola named La Bella’s. They were famous for their “La Bella Burger”. I never had the original, but this version was created by my friend Allan McLain. We haven’t made these in years, but I came across the recipe and like always, a craving kicked in, and I had to make them. The cumin makes them a bit different, but I think you will enjoy. Perfect for Friday Night Porch Party when you need to feed a crowd.
Floating Hamburgers
Prepared hamburger patties any way you like (reserve about a 1/2 cup beef for sauce)
1 large onion, finely chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
24 ounces beef broth
1 6-ounce can tomato paste
1 1/2 tablespoons cornstarch mixed with 2 tablespoons water
2 tablespoons cumin
Salt and pepper to taste
Finely shredded cabbage
In a large skillet, cook the reserved hamburger beef, onions, and garlic until done. Add the beef broth and tomato paste. Bring mixture to a simmer. Add in the salt, pepper and cumin. Add the cornstarch mixture to thicken. Bring back to a low simmer.
To make the floating hamburger, begin by toasting your buns or grilling them in the skillet or griddle with a little butter. Add a little sauce to the bottom bun. Next, add the burger patty. Add a little of cabbage before covering the burger with a generous amount of the sauce and then the top bun.

Lou and I recently celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary. Friday Night Porch Parties have been a party of our family life since the beginning. It's my favorite night of the week.